Introduction to Traditional Natal Astrology

Introduction to Traditional Natal Astrology

A Complete Working Guide for Modern Astrologers

For modern astrologers, a complete step by step guide to learning and using traditional western astrology techniques. It covers the history and wordview of traditional astrology, outlines the main geometry and number symbolism, and covers the main techniques and concepts. There is also a step by step natal interpretation outline, and there are several fully worked examples.


It is clear, well-written, and interesting in addition to being a true textbook. If you're also toying with traditional astrology, I can't recommend this book highly enough. Absolutely superb! - reviewed by Donna Van Toen, NCGR Member Newsletter, July 2015 Obert succeeds wonderfully in his purpose to "present traditional astrology in an organized, approachable and workable way." I am not the only one who loves this book. Introduction to Traditional Natal Astrology is a required textbook at Kepler College for a course on delineation techniques. - reviewed by Mary Plumb in The Mountain Astrologer, April/May 2016 For those interested in traditional methods of chart interpretation without the overbearing and harsh criticism of the modern psychological approach, here is a way to bridge the two worldviews. - reviewed by Chris Lorenz in Dell Horoscope, June 2016

Charlie Obert has been a student of traditional astrology for over 20 years. His books on traditional astrology are written to make the techniques clear, organized and practical.

Charlie is a regular teacher of astrology class at the online university, Kepler College.

Charlie also has many years experience working as a computer trainer, and brings those training skills to his writing and classes.


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